5 days Art Challenge-Day 5
For the fifth and last day of the Art Challenge I choose five colourful artworks. Among them a detail of an unpublished artwork. I...
5 days Art Challenge-Day 4
For today's Art Challenge I choose one of my favourites artworks. It is the story of an absolutely strange family. Some members die and...
5 days Art Challenge-Day 3
For the third day of the «5daysArtChallenge» I choose five pages of "Tristanos and Izola" stories. As you may know Izola is my alter ego....
5 days Art Challente-Day 2
For the second day I choose five Izola's comic pages. I invite my talented friend, cartoonist, Journalist and Lafcadio's books proof...
5 days Art Challenge-Day 1
Accepting the invitation of the cartoonist Elias Tabakeas I participate to the «5daysArtChallenge». I have to post at my facebook...