5 days Art Challente-Day 2
For the second day I choose five Izola's comic pages. I invite my talented friend, cartoonist, Journalist and Lafcadio's books proof...
5 days Art Challenge-Day 1
Accepting the invitation of the cartoonist Elias Tabakeas I participate to the «5daysArtChallenge». I have to post at my facebook...
We smile again!
The first movements of the new goverment make most of the Greeks optimistic. Now there is HOPE!
My interview to Artic and to Anna Kartali
A few days ago I met Anna Kartali at the Bookstore «Lemoni», one of the most beautiful bookstores in Athens. We had a great discussion...
Magda Mystikou presented me to the Lions Club "Macedonia" at Thessaloniki
Η Τέτη Σώλου, μία εξαιρετική παρουσία στον κόσμο του πνεύματος των γραμμάτων και των τεχνών, έχει την τιμή να μας παρουσιάσει τον...
Lecture on Lafcadio Hearn at the Lions Club «Macedonia» in Thessaloniki
Speaking about Lafcadio Hearn at the members of the Lions Club "Macedonia" The event was organized by the Lions Club "Macedonia" and the...
Lafcadio Hearn's portrait
I made a portrait inspired by and dedicated to Lafcadio Hearn. I first presented at the Lions Club's «Macedonia» event (October 2014)...
My interview to the newspaper "Kathimerini"
Honouring Lafcadio Hearn the newspaper "Kathimerini" published an article about his life and works. The Journalist Tasos Oikonomou asked...