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Fanzines & albums


The comic strips from «Sunday Eleftherotypia» in an album. Tety Solou, illustrator, author, comic & book designer

The black hole

The black hole

A quickly sketched short story about a black hole in the middle of Alexanderplaatz, became a succesful fanzine.

Flying beyond control

Flying beyond control

A short novel written by Dimitris Magriplis, illustrated as a comic story became the first succesful fanzine of the series «Nanonovels into comics».

Izola's first fanzine

Izola's first fanzine

2017, It was time for Izola to publish her first fanzine with some of her adventures. First presented at the "White rabbit comix state exhibition", June 2017

Drinking coffee and sketching

Drinking coffee and sketching

Izola loves coffee. She also loves to sketch while drinking her coffee. Here is a sketchbook with some of her coffee-sketches. First presented at the "White rabbit comic state exhibition", June 2017

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© Tety Solou 2014-2020. All rights reserved. 

Tety Solou, illustrator, author, comics, cartoons & books designer
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